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日常的な経済行動が感情に与える影響 ― 経験サンプリング法を用いた検証 ―



The impact of daily economic behavior on emotions: an experience sampling study

Yuka Ozaki (Toyo University)

Quarterly Journal of Marketing, 44(3)

Published online on 25 October 2024


The experience sampling method (ESM) refers to a set of research procedures involving repeated data collection several times a day for several consecutive days, enabling the researchers to gain insights into people’s behaviors, thoughts, and emotions as they occur in their everyday environment. This paper introduces ESM as a useful research tool for understanding the psychology of consumers in their daily lives. As a practical example, the author reports on an empirical study focusing on daily economic behavior and associated emotional fluctuations. Specifically, 71 participants (33 men and 38 women living in Japan, with their ages ranging from 21 to 67 years old) were asked to respond to an online survey four times per day at random times between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., and to report their current emotional state and their most recent economic behavior (consumption/saving). The results of the multilevel regression analysis revealed that qualitatively different emotional changes are instigated immediately after certain types of economic behaviors. The results also suggest that individual levels of regulatory focus and subjective economic status are associated with different emotional states.


経験サンプリング法(experience sampling method; ESM)とは,人々の日常的な生活環境の中で起こる行動・思考・感情についての知見を得るために,1日に数回×数日間連続してデータ収集を繰り返す調査手法の総称である。本論文では,消費者の日常心理を理解するために有用な研究ツールとしてESMを紹介する。さらに,その実践例として,日常的な経済行動とそれにともなう感情変動に焦点を当てた実証研究について報告する。具体的には,71名の参加者(日本在住の男性33名・女性38名,年齢は21歳から67歳)を対象にして,1日4回×7日間にわたり,午前9時から午後9時までの間の無作為な時刻にオンライン調査への回答を求めた。参加者は,回答時点の感情状態と直近の経済行動(消費・貯蓄)について報告した。マルチレベル重回帰分析の結果から,経済行動の種類によって質的に異なる感情変化が生じることが明らかになった。また,制御焦点や主観的経済状況の個人差も,それぞれ異なる感情状態と関連することが示唆された。





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