Using prompts to promote desirable organizational behaviors: An experience sampling intervention study.
Yuka Ozaki (Toyo University)
Daigaku Matsuda (Lantana, Inc.)
Published online on 29 December 2023
Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology(実験社会心理学研究)に論文が掲載されました。共著者の松田大学さん(株式会社らんたな)と産学共同研究の成果をまとめた論文を刊行できたこと,大変うれしく思います。本研究プロジェクトを支えてくださった関係者のみなさまに,心から御礼申し上げます。
A field intervention study was conducted to examine whether goal prompting is effective in improving organizational behaviors in the workplace. Employees in Japanese companies participated in the study (N = 82). At the beginning of each working day throughout the study period of one month, a behavioral goal (i.e., description of a desirable organizational behavior) was presented to the employees through a smartphone app. At the end of their working hours, the employees self-evaluated the levels of implementation for two different behaviors, one of which was presented to them earlier that day (i.e., prompted behavior), and another that was not (i.e., non-prompted behavior). The results of a multilevel analysis revealed that the prompted goals were implemented to a greater extent, in comparison to the non-prompted goals. Based on the results, theoretical and practical implications of goal prompting intervention to improve organizational behaviors are discussed.
Keywords: goal prompt, goal setting, organizational behavior, daily intervention, experience sampling